Advice to My Daughter


Advice to my daughter…

On your wedding day, my daughter Kathleen, you will inherit the platinum art deco engagement ring of your great-grandmother.  Tradition dictates that it goes to the first born daughter of each new generation.  While not of great monetary value, it is great of sentiment.

I was so concerned, during my tenure with the ring, of protecting it for the next generation, that I rarely wore it.  Yes it is old and fragile, being just twelve years shy of it’s century mark, but wear it.

I will pass the ring on to you on your wedding day, as it was to me from my mother, but while I do so with a glad heart, I also feel a mild sense of loss.  I really don’t know the ring, and never made it mine.  Make it yours, wear it, enjoy it, and all the while, take good care.  It was your dear Great-Grams, after all…In the photo above, my Grandmother, KK’s Great-Gram, is pictured with my mother.  Mom is about three. Below is “Great-Gram” in her later years.  Our youngest, little Julia her name-sake, is kissing her.  My Dad is holding little Julia.


And start a new tradition…I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Grammie will share the beautiful abalone butterfly Gramps made for her, which you will attach in your bridal bouquet.  Hopefully, future generations will follow suit…


My Dad took the picture above of my mother well before I was born.  Mom was quite a fisherwoman!  She is a true natural honey blond – she is where KK get’s her coloring…well from her dad too.   I can’t take all the credit.  🙂


And above…the beautiful butterfly carving from abalone shell made by my father for my mother.  To be showcased in a bridal bouquet… what a romantic start for a lovely piece.

Photos # 1 Unknown

Photo # 2 Mary P Karnes

Photo # 3  Bill Paredes Photos

Photo # 3  Mary P Karnes