What is a wedding dress bustle, and do you need one? A bustle is a way of drawing up your train so you can walk freely around your reception without being a hazard to yourself and others. There are six main types. Not only must you consider the aesthetics of the bustle, but the size of your train, your dress style and the weight of your dress fabric. My daughter wanted and “American” bustle, but due to the heaviness of her fabric needed a “French” Bustle.
The six main types of bustles are: Over Bustle, Tufted Bustle, French Bustle, Pick-up Bustle, American Bustle and French Pick-up Bustle.
The Over Bustle, also known as a Ballroom Bustle, hides the train, and makes the wedding gown look just like a ballroom gown. Hooks or buttons are attached at the gown’s waistline, then hooks are attached on the train to button onto waist loops. After it’s all buttoned up, the dress is one length.
The Tufted Bustle sports jeweled hooks around the waist of the dress. The train has loops attached to hook onto the bejeweled hooks. These hooks are exposed to add additional bling. The over-all look is a layered one.
The French Bustle was what my daughter sported. It is an under bustle. A mother of the bride, bridesmaid, wedding coordinator, tucks the train underneath the skirt of the dress and ties numbered ribbons together. For example: ribbon one to second ribbon number one, and so forth. A word of advice: Practice creating the bustle BEFORE the wedding. And remember to bring your reading glasses if you need them! My cousin and I were in charge of assembling my daughter’s bustle, and neither had our glasses. Disaster was avoided when one of my daughters came to lend a hand. 😉 Below is a picture highlighting Maggie’s French Bustled dress, dancing with her father.
Next time, I will discuss and picture the remaining three bustles.
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Much of this information was gleaned from Bronwyn Timmons from www.e-How
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Image #1 – blog.weddingpaperdivas.com
Image #2 – bridaldetails.blogspot.com
Image #3 – heritagegown.com
Image #4 – Patty Cloherty photos
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