First it was the unity candle, then the sand ceremony. What is a sand ceremony? you may ask. Well, according to the website, “How Stuff Works”, (see citation below), it is:
“At its simplest, a sand ceremony involves a symbolic blending of two different-colored sands into a single vessel. The meaning is clear: The blending of two different beings, the bride and the groom, into a single, inseparable unit that is theirmarriage — the joining of their lives. Hard as it would be to separate out those grains of sand, that’s how difficult it is to separate these two people. It usually takes place after the exchange of rings and vows (although it can go before or even during), and lasts just a couple of minutes.”
But people, especially brides, are always trying to be different, unique. A forward thinking company came up with a new idea…that of providing a bride and groom glass beads that they can blend together at their wedding ceremony. The beads are then shipped back to the company in a prepaid box to be made into a beautiful, colorful work of art. The hope is that it will become a priceless family keepsake. Please see the description below from the company’s own website. Be forewarned, however…their pieces of art do not come cheap. The bowl below retails for $ 539.00 US Dollars. That is a mid-range price. A few are less…a few more.
Unity in Glass™ has taken the unity ceremony to the next level of artistic expression. Unity in Glass is an extremely thoughtful and lasting alternative to a sand ceremony or a unity candle. Together with you, we create a work of art to remember your wedding for a lifetime.
“With your custom made Unity in Glass sculpture, vase or bowl, you are taking the Unity Ceremony to the next level of personalization and artistic expression. As a lasting alternative to a unity candle or a sand ceremony you are creating a symbolic, highly personal, one of a kind art piece for your home. The process is collaborative and captures your spirit. You’re working together with a highly skilled glass artist to create a work of art that will last a lifetime. You will share the story of your special day for years to come.”
Will KK and Tyler do this…keep reading to find out!